Someday, I will figure out why people are so mean. It's becoming an epidemic, this mean-spiritedness, and not something that resonates well with my 60's upbringing where injustice was our focus, not glaring judgmentalism and a hard-hearted cynicism towards "the other".
I know it is the refuge of the aging fool to start referring to "the good old days'" but having crossed over into the landscape of sixty, I guess I will have to plead "guilty". However, in my own defense, my cry for another time does not include complaints about worship music, technology, or shifting definitions of social relationships. I am an ardent supporter of contemporary worship music and composers of such. I embrace technology , and I am willing to admit that while I don't understand many things about our culture, I don't feel threatened by the changes, except just one: the loss of civility.
Growing up, I seem to recall being taught empathy for others in our household. We cleaned our plates because others were starving. We recycled our clothing because others did not have what we have. We did not make fun of others because we had not walked in their shoes. Perhaps it was because, I think in looking back, we were poor. We lived on the other side of the tracks along with countless other military families. We went to school with the sons and daughters of migrant workers. We were "the other".
Perhaps having been "the other" is partially what drew me to become a follower of Jesus. Here was someone who embraced "the other" with kindness and compassion. Here was someone who never met a sinner He didn't want to get close to. And here was someone who reserved every ounce of judgement and harsh words for only one group: religious people who were hard hearted, judgmental and who turned a blind eye towards the suffering of others.
Perhaps this is the crux of my sadness about the current state of human affairs. For when I am on any social network, the cruelest, most mean spirited postings come from my religious friends and acquaintances. If someone had never met Jesus, here's what the postings would indicate: you cannot be a real follower of Jesus unless you are Republican, hate gays, hate poor people, hate the government, hate taxes, hate immigrants, hate_____. Fill in the blank. It is all about hate and all about what's in it for me.
For the record, I am a card carrying, Bible believing fool for Christ born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit. And because of that, not in spite of it, I give to Caesar what is his due willingly and joyfully because that is what The Book tells me to do. Every time I pay a tax to fund any program, I am grateful to do so because I live in a country where those taxes fund every part of the infrastructure I am priviledged to enjoy. Whenever legislation comes up to create opportunities for immigrants to get an education, I applaud because in The Book I have learned to embrace the alien, for I once was one. And whenever I hear about the struggles of the poor, I am moved, as Jesus was moved, to reach out and help.
I wonder what non-Christians are learning about our faith from reading Facebook postings? I wonder how many people have turned away from that path because of the derogatory comments about the poor and helpless? I wonder when Christians became so mean, and why we seem to be leading the pack instead of weeping and asking forgiveness.
So here's a thought. What if someday every Christ follower made a decision to not post any public comment without first determining if it passes the "fruit of the Spirit" test. Because Jesus tells us that others will know if we are His by these fruits. If our words are filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control -those things that show evidence of Christ's transforming power in our lives- then post away! If your words are filled with hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, envy, or create dissension, then don't post them...those "other words" are inspired by a different source than the heart of God.
I am not proposing that dissent and differences have no place in social network discourse. I am suggesting, however, that some of us are called to a higher standard in that discourse, a standard that should reflect the same love and compassion that our Creator bestows upon our broken selves. Someday, it would be nice if we thought about that before posting public words that reflect our private hearts.
That's a someday I long to see.
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